Group News
January 2025: Welcome to Izzy Teinfalt and Lilli Ugalde as new undergraduate researchers in the group!
December 2024: Our review article on experimental research methods to measure chemical kinetics on solid catalysts is accepted in Catalysis Reviews!
December 2024: Our perspective on the molecular design of heterogeneous catalysts is accepted in Nature Chemistry!
December 2024: Congratulations to Ethan Fortuna for passing his research exam!
October 2024: Welcome to Daniel Sabbah as a new first-year graduate student in our group! Daniel received his undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.
October 2024: Welcome to Jaxon Boudreau as a new first-year graduate student in our group! Jaxon received his undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of New Hampshire.
October 2024: Welcome to Zayan Akmal as a new first-year graduate student in our group! Zayan received his undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering at Oregon State University.
September 2024: Congratulations to Isaac Boateng for being named an International Student Citizen Leaders Fellow by the UVA International Students and Scholars Program!
September 2024: Congratulations to Kayla Wozny and Isaac Boateng for passing their research exams!
September 2024: Welcome to Olivia Coleman as a new undergraduate researcher in the group!
March 2024: Jason Bates's co-authored article on rigor and reproducibility in site-specific characterization was published in Journal of Catalysis.
March 2024: Jason Bates receives a travel award to the 18th International Congress on Catalysis from the North American Catalysis Society.
February 2024: The entire Bates group attended the Southeastern Catalysis Society Annual Symposium and learned about the exciting science happening in the region! Jason Bates was named Social Media Chair for the SECS.
January 2024: Jason Bates is recognized as a Young Talent by the 18th International Congress on Catalysis.
January 2024: Jason Bates receives the New Investigator Award of the Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC) to support kinetic and spectroscopic interrogation of electrocatalyst microenvironments.
November 2023: Jason Bates's manuscript with the Stahl group on active-site quantification in Fe-N-C catalysts is published in JACS! Thank you to our outstanding collaborators Plamen Atanassov, Frédéric Jaouen, Peter Strasser, Tim-Patrick Fellinger, and Gang Wu!
October 2023: We welcome Kayla Wozny as part of the first incoming graduate student class to join the group! Kayla completed her undergraduate studies at Lafayette College in 2023.
October 2023: We welcome Ethan Fortuna as part of the first incoming graduate student class to join the group! Ethan completed his undergraduate studies at Penn State University in 2023.
October 2023: We welcome Isaac Boateng as part of the first incoming graduate student class to join the group! Isaac completed his undergraduate studies at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in 2021.
September 2023: Welcome to Max Freitag as a new undergraduate researcher in the group!
September 2023: Welcome to Phoebe Saunders as a new undergraduate researcher in the group!
September 2023: Welcome to Mia Park as a new undergraduate researcher in the group!
April 2023: Jason accepted a position to start as an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Virginia in August 2023!
March 2023: Jason attended the Spring ACS meeting, where he presented a talk entitled "Chemical and electrochemical reactivity of heterogeneous M-N-C catalysts and molecular concepts for their preparation", and enjoyed celebrating Shannon Stahl's winning the ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry.
March 2023: Jason was honored to participate as a speaker in the Purdue Catalysis Center Alumni Symposium on March 25, 2023. This symposium brought together a remarkable group of former PCC members who are now faculty: Viktor Cybulskis (Syracuse), Brandon Bukowski (Johns Hopkins), Jamie Harris (U Alabama), Tej Choksi (NTU Singapore), Jason, and Chris Paolucci (U Virginia).